Thursday, 14 April 2011

Exhortations to save the earth

This was one of the best speeches that I've seen so far on TED. This woman puts lots of feeling into her talk and everything that she says is very real and recent. She considers the idea of today's life, in which human beings are creatures that are losing themselves and their senses, hiding behind new technology. Everything is changing, inevitably, but it need not be for the worse. People have stopped caring about surroundings, looking only at their own future. The speaker urges people to start to cooperate with each other. She believes that we were originally created to go through life not alone but with a companion because this is who we are. We are able to make great things but only with a second person. She is trying to show us our wrong paths and suggest that we should start to seek wisdom in elders because they are the last generation that are still acting rightly. 
We can mostly learn from this speech that we should find the golden mean between heart and head. We should rely more on our senses and try to trust people because we are made to exist together.

for whose who want to find out more:

Homework - geography

Write definitions:
lag time
drainage basin
peak rainfall
peak discharge

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The hydrological cycle


precipitation (opady) - water in any form that falls from the sky

Surface runoff/overland flow (spływ powierzchniowy) - water is not absorbed by soil but flows on the surface
Throughfall - water falling through the leaves 
Stemflow - water flowing through the stems
Infiltration (przenikanie) - the movement of water into the soil
Throughflow - movement of water through the soil
Percolation - when water slowly leaches into the rock
Groundwater flow/base flow - the water that infiltrated flows through the rock

Surface storage - the water that is stored on the surface in a depression
Interception storage - when plants are storing water on their surface
Vegetation storage - water that is cumulated inside the plant. 
Soil storage - water kept by soil
Groundwater Storage - water stored in rocks  
Channel Storage - water stored in rivers 
Ocean - the biggest body of water, which is salty

Evaporation (parowanie) - changing water into water vapor
Transpiration - evaporation of water from plants
Sublimation - water change from ice into gas

other important words:
capacity (zdolność) - amount of water that can move or be stored in a particular place 
permeable (przepuszczalność) - water can move through 
concrete - beton, cement

Monday, 4 April 2011

Eight global warning questions.

What is the definition of global warning?
Global warming is increase of average temperature in the world caused by an excessive amount of carbon dioxide that keeps reflecting rays in the atmosphere which makes the weather hotter. 

What do scientists believe are the effects of global warming?
Scientists believe that global warming will have many bad impacts on the environment. Basic changes that are going to happen will be big flooded areas caused by melting glaciers, such as in the Arctic regions. A lot of animals such as polar bears are going to suffer because of decreasing of the natural surface which used to be their home. Also people who live in the valleys or on the low-lying coast will have to resettle. 
In other parts of the world there is going to be problem with droughts. Hotter temperatures will cause drying of natural water containers and dying from thirst of people, animals and plants. 
Weather is also going to be more unpredictable and variable. A lot of natural disasters such as coastal flooding, hurricanes and twisters will occure.
Climatic zones are also going to change significantly with time.

What do scientists believe are the causes of global warming?
Causes of global warming are 'green-house' gazes such as CO2, CH2, NO2, SO2 mostly producted by factories and cars.

How could global warming affect more economically developed countries?
In MEDCs they have started to have lots of campaigns about rising temperatures affected by global warming and to counteract it. A lot of public transport were replaced by 'ecological' buses, trains, trams that are supposed to emit less carbon dioxide that is related to global changes. Governments are trying to show people how to live more ecologically by making TV campaigns included famous people etc.
Prices are going to rise and zone species are going to change.
Countries will also spend lts of money into defense from flooding instead of improving e.g industry or public health etc. 

How could global warming affect less economically developed countries?
LEDCs are less able to cope with changes. They will suffer more than MEDCs because of having less money to make any step towards this event. 
Poor countries that are mostly related with farming will also suffer a lot because of more costs of taking care of crops. They will also have less fertile land which will affect their lifestyle which is very difficult and will cause even more poverty.

Some people do not believe that global warning is happening. Wh do they think this?
Name some of the things individuals and organization can do to help prevent global warming.
is global warming only negative thing, or could it have some positive impacts.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Is Europe held together?

Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor has the future of Europe in her hands. Unfortunately she seems to have no vision for the EU even if she holds the key to resolve the euro zone's sovereign-debt crisis. German voters don't wont to let weak counties as Greece, Ireland or Portugal to the euro zone that is forming the Eu's economics policies to be greatly enlarged. But steal Germany is playing a crucial role of keeping Europe together. Can Angela make it? Maybe it will start to split apart soon.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Pain for polish society...

Government reform seems to be a pain for polish society. The government makes decisions that are not acceptable for most people living in Poland. Prices are constantly rising. Taxes and new fees are making us poorer and poorer. What is left is the polish sense of humor about bad times and a perspective that there will be a better tomorrow. Prices of medicine are also rising which will hit mostly poor demographics such as the elder generation. This group also faces problems such as decreasing retirement pensions, higher prices of food and more problems with public hospitals and clinics. By now Poland is one of the countries with the worst healthcare and the most ill seniors in the European Union. There is no hope for an improvement soon. The government is making some aspects even worst. Does it not care about its reputation?

Friday, 1 April 2011

Are errors made by human genetically built into our kind?

I've seen one of the TED talks and I found it very interesting.
A woman was talking about the human as a creature that is naturally forced to make mistakes even though it is amazingly intelligent, the smartest of all animals. She and her student group performed tests on both capuchin monkeys and the studio audience because of the fact that we have common ancestors. They wanted to check if the origin of our errors is genetically built into our kind or if it's a result of complicated environment we've created. The results of the test were surprising. Both we and monkeys make the same mistake when trying to choose the better of two options. This shows that the origin is genetic and we, as members of the human species, have to deal with this disorder. On a positive note, despite many inabilities such as lack of wings or fins we are still clever enough to invent some appliances that can help us deal with this kind of thing. Luckily we learn from our mistakes.

link to the blog where you can find this speech: