Friday, 1 April 2011

Are errors made by human genetically built into our kind?

I've seen one of the TED talks and I found it very interesting.
A woman was talking about the human as a creature that is naturally forced to make mistakes even though it is amazingly intelligent, the smartest of all animals. She and her student group performed tests on both capuchin monkeys and the studio audience because of the fact that we have common ancestors. They wanted to check if the origin of our errors is genetically built into our kind or if it's a result of complicated environment we've created. The results of the test were surprising. Both we and monkeys make the same mistake when trying to choose the better of two options. This shows that the origin is genetic and we, as members of the human species, have to deal with this disorder. On a positive note, despite many inabilities such as lack of wings or fins we are still clever enough to invent some appliances that can help us deal with this kind of thing. Luckily we learn from our mistakes.

link to the blog where you can find this speech:

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